This project involves total of four volunteers for 12 months and will take place in Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Czech Republic. All activities of the project involve work with children from the Rychnov area. Volunteers will take part in daily work with their leading pedagogue, helping with preparing courses and partaking in courses. Volunteers will prepare events like Halloween or Earth Hour. Also, volunteers will help with preparing bigger events like the Devil’s Day, Christmas market, Witches’ day and Princess’ day. Volunteers will be involved with activities from Monday till Friday with flexible working hours, but when necessary, volunteers will work on weekends, respecting the rule of work on weekend equals day(s) off. Some activities require physical work (i.e. moving decorations to park, preparing decorations, cleaning after events, etc.); on the other hand, some activities require organization and communication. The project will form volunteers to use their knowledge and personal skills to reinforce their ability in team working. Volunteers will also have the possibility to develop their own project and their new ideas in order to improve their skills and competencies.