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A theater play and sleepover at DDM



After rehearsing for many months now, the time finally arrived last weekend for the children in Déčko's theater course to show family and friends what they have been working on.

Friday evening the actors and actresses arrived, because they were going to spend the evening rehearsing and then sleep over at DDM, before performing the play at noon on Saturday.

Lights were fixed, costumes put on and props set up, then it was time to run through the whole performance a couple of times. Of course, there was also time to relax and enjoy eachother's company, and we made pancakes for dinner.

On Saturday we had breakfast, before it was time to rehearse one final time. At last the audience arrived and sat down, exited to finally see what the kids had been working on. Backstage it was clear that the actors were nervous but very excited to perform with a big audience.

The show consisted of three Czech folk tales lasting 10-15 minutes each. The audience experienced a magic well, out of which a fairy magically summoned gold and silver axes, a snake king living in a tree and giving out diamonds and lastly, a house possessed by demons. They all shared the message to be selfless and honest and to do what is right.

Everything went smoothly, almost no lines were forgotten and the family and friends watching seemed to enjoy the play by often laughing and proudly smiling throughout the entire show.

Last rehearse of the play before the audience arrived.

- Jenny



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