As someone who has studied Psychology, I have a great interest in mental health awareness and how we can practice good mental health and mindfulness.
For my ESC ‘Mini-Project’ I decided to do a ‘Mental Health Wall’ at the school that is displayed close to the entrance for everyone to have access too.
For this project I was supported by a mental health charity from my home region called ‘Mindspace Mayo’. Mindspace is a free and confidential support service for young people’s mental health and wellbeing. Mindspace’s aim is to support young people aged 15-25 who are going through a difficult time to ensure they get the support they need. They support young people through offering advice and support, by listening without making judgements, help with decision making skills, support through anxiety, stress or mood and offer supported access to other services.
The lovely people at Mindspace Mayo (a special shoutout to Nikki) were kind enough to send me lots of information, support, and resources to contribute to my project. Without their help my project wouldn’t have been as full as it is. They were also kind enough to send me some brochures, wristbands, pens, and hats for the project (which you can see us modelling below).
Some of the resources Mindspace provided me included, how to stay safe on social media, how to deal with bullying, how to manage sleep and mental health, and I also had some statistics and figures from their annual report of 2021. All this information is relevant as at Decko we see children and young people from the ages of 3-16 pass through the doors every day.
I also created some brochures called ‘Linky Pomoci’ which translates to helplines, in which I included call lines for mental health support for adults, teenagers, and children. Emergency helplines and free online resources were also included.
I organised two separate tables under my display wall that had Mindspace brochures and the ‘Linky Pomoci’ leaflets. The second table also had notes of appreciation/motivation from another Irish organisation called ‘’. The notes include words such as ‘Problems feel smaller when you share them’ and ‘8 hours sleep make the other 16 easier’, which all aim to promote positive mental health. I displayed multiple copies of each card so people can take some with them and either keep it for themselves or maybe share with a friend in need.
Here's a link to Mindspace Mayo Page:
Here's a link to the 'Linky Pomoci' page where I gathered my resources:
- Olivia :)
